Are Conzuri Shoes Good For Running?

Lots of us work out to look good; there’s no shame in that. Exercise is an integral part of what keeps us healthy and physically aesthetic. We do a lot of things to improve how we look, be it physique, style, makeup or even elevator shoes to boost our natural height. 

The question is, how many of these mix? More specifically, is it healthy for a jogger to run in height boosting sneakers? 

The short answer is no. It’s best not to, but let’s go into why that’s the case. 

Conzuri: The Height Boosting Shoes Of The Future 

Conzuri is possibly the most prominent company in the height elevating shoe niche. For those looking to gain an extra couple of inches in height, the shoes Conzuri sells are highly sought after by men wanting to be a few inches taller.

The company’s work on height boosting shoes is revolutionary, as they have managed to create truly discreet elevation sneakers, dress shoes, loafers and boots that do not sacrifice comfort.  They offer decent quality at an affordable price point, with many impressed with the fit and comfort of the products in their store.

As they become more and more of a household name, Conzuri continues to come up with new silhouettes and a greater range of sizes so people of all tastes and builds can get the confidence boost they deserve. This is truly a company to keep an eye out for. They move fast and respond to both negative and positive feedback. We here at ItStartsWithTheShoes have already had to update our new articles to keep up with their progress! 

Technical Specifications For Conzuri’s Runners

These shoes provide an extra boost in height through a secret Conzuri insoles, which is built into each pair. This concept is not new, but the way they have done it is. 

Most shoes with the same design have a solid insole in order to bear the weight of the wearer. Not only is this very uncomfortable, but oftentimes, the insole affects how the outer heel looks, giving away the game. Other companies have tried using a softer insole, but the wearer’s feet sink into the sole, meaning no additional height is given. 

Conzuri has managed to design an insole that is soft enough to be very comfortable yet strong enough to keep its structure and bear the wearer’s weight. This feat is a big win for customer satisfaction and is the reason why the UK company gets so many positive online reviews. 

The Health Implications | Is Conzuri Worth Running In?

Okay, so here’s the reason why running in these shoes is not recommended. It’s understandable that some may want to. After all, we want to look our best at all times, even when exercising. They are also the perfect fit for the part according to their appearance. Questions that race through our minds, like “What if I bump into someone I know?” may urge us to consider wearing a pair of Cloud Runners. They’re called Runners, aren’t they? What’s the harm? 

First, while the name suggests that the Cloud, Ice or black Midnight Runners are running shoes, it is merely their style. Height elevating shoes are far from optimal when it comes to exercise. When we exercise, our bodies experience a lot of stress, so it’s important that we maintain the correct form when doing the exercise. If we’re weight lifting, we want our feet in the right position. If we’re running, we want our feet to land on the ground properly. That’s the crux of the issue: Conzuri shoes do not allow our feet to be in the optimal position. 

The insoles force our heels upwards. This is how they give us the extra height boost; they’re forcing us on our tiptoes and doing their best to hide it from the public. Would we squat on our tiptoes? Would we run on our tiptoes? The better question still is, would we run in heels? Absolutely not. 

Running also impacts the feet more than walking, and we need our feet to handle the impact correctly. This is impaired if our heels are too high. By wearing elevator shoes while running, we risk applying too much stress to our toes, which takes on more of the impact. Over time, this can lead to stress fractures. 

Style Meets Function: Fashion and Practicality Of The Products

So, is Conzuri good for running? No, but none of this discounts how useful a pair of Conzuri’s can be. Let’s remember what we buy them for. To increase our height and confidence, particularly while we’re out or in social settings. No one is buying these shoes so they can work out in them or, at least, they shouldn’t be. 

The same can be said for all sorts of shoes. No one wears a pair of Oxfords to the gym. Why would they? But we don’t judge the dress shoe for this. Instead, we understand that they have their own purpose and physical fitness, is not it. Think of Conzuri in the same way. Let them do what they’re good at; being clean and stylish shoes that boost the confidence of all who wear them.